21 Wrzesień 2024
Kolejny incydent bezpieczeństwa w Mahachkale w Dagestanie. Padł strzał, policja rozmieszczona jest w centralnej części miasta
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2 podejrzanych bojowników zginęło w Derbent i 4 w Mahachkale. 16 osób zostało rannych, 8 policjantów i 2 cywilów zginęło
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Wszystkie wyjścia z Machaczkały są zablokowane – podało Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych Dagestanu
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W wyniku starć w Machaczkale zginęło 4 bojowników
Zgłoszono starcia w dystrykcie Sergokala w Dagestanie2 miesiąc temu
Zgłoszono starcia w dystrykcie Sergokala w Dagestanie
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Zatrzymano szefa obwodu siergokalińskiego w Dagestanie Magomeda Omarowa. Jego synowie rzekomo brali udział w ataku w republice.
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Co najmniej 9 osób zginęło w starciach w Dagestanie, w tym 7 funkcjonariuszy organów ścigania
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W wyniku starć w miastach Machaczkała i Derbent w Dagestanie zginęło 3 podejrzanych bojowników i 1 żołnierz Rosgwardii
Pojazdy opancerzone widziane na ulicach Derbentu w Dagestanie
Starcia z podejrzanymi bojownikami w Machaczkale w Dagestanie2 miesiąc temu
Starcia z podejrzanymi bojownikami w Machaczkale w Dagestanie
Starcia z podejrzanymi bojownikami w Derbent
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U.S. Central Command Airstrike in Syria Kills Senior ISIS Official. On June 16, U.S. Central Command conducted an airstrike in Syria, killing Usamah Jamal Muhammad Ibrahim al-Janabi, a senior ISIS official and facilitator. His death will disrupt ISIS’s ability to resource and conduct terror attacks
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Knife attack in Metz: Five people were injured with knives, two of them very seriously, - announces the prosecutor
W więzieniu w Rostowie zginęło 2 więźniów, 4 zostało rannych i zakładników uratowano
Słychać strzały w pobliżu więzienia w Rostowie nad Donem w związku z sytuacją zakładników3 miesiąc temu
Słychać strzały w pobliżu więzienia w Rostowie nad Donem w związku z sytuacją zakładników
In Rostov-on-Don, several prisoners held in a pre-trial detention center took two detention center employees hostage. Prisoners claim their allegiance to Islamic State
U.S. Sanctions ISIS-linked Human Smuggling Network in Coordinated Action with Türkiye
Szef FSB Bortnikow ponownie oskarżył ukraiński wywiad wojskowy o udział w ataku terrorystycznym w centrum handlowym Crocus pod Moskwą3 miesiąc temu
It's propaganda
Szef FSB Bortnikow ponownie oskarżył ukraiński wywiad wojskowy o udział w ataku terrorystycznym w centrum handlowym Crocus pod Moskwą
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Nigeria gunmen kill 50 in raid on northwest village, residents say
East Syria: Russian Air Force is conducting airstrikes every day vs alleged ISIS-held positions. Assad's forces still heavily rely on foreign help, including on the ground. And to cover up their failure, the usual Kremlin propaganda IS comes from Al-Tanf zone (~130 km from Bishri)3 miesiąc temu
East Syria: Russian Air Force is conducting airstrikes every day vs alleged ISIS-held positions. Assad's forces still heavily rely on foreign help, including on the ground. And to cover up their failure, the usual Kremlin propaganda IS comes from Al-Tanf zone (~130 km from Bishri)
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Islamic State terror suspect is caught by policemen in Germany ahead of Euro 2024.He holds German, Moroccan and Polish passports. Other sites reported Germans suspect him of belonging to ISKP Germany
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US Embassy in Beirut has closed for the day after a Syrian national wearing a vest with “IS” written on it opened fire at the entrance. The Lebanese Army shot and wounded the assailant
French security authorities foil a plan to attack soccer events during the Paris Olympics
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Islamic State is attacking the village of Mbau,in Mocimboa da Praia. Initial reports indicate an organized incursion, similarly to Macomia two weeks ago, with IS groups blocking roads to the village (planting IEDs). Rwandan army seems to be fighting with air support
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W piątek Rosja po raz pierwszy oświadczyła, że Państwo Islamskie koordynowało śmiercionośny atak na salę koncertową w Moskwie w marcu
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Reuters: An Iraqi soldier was killed and two wounded in an explosive device explosion that targeted their car in eastern Iraq
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India: 4 ISIS militants hailing from Sri Lanka arrested at Ahmedabad airport
IS released a new photoset from last weekend's battle of Macomia, quite a big one. Includes vehicles seized from NGOs like @MSF. A few bodies, including  a beheading shown in the process. A major success for the group, with significant loot safely sent out of the town4 miesiąc temu
IS released a new photoset from last weekend's battle of Macomia, quite a big one. Includes vehicles seized from NGOs like @MSF. A few bodies, including a beheading shown in the process. A major success for the group, with significant loot safely sent out of the town
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Gunmen kill three foreign tourists in Afghanistan's central Bamyan province
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Rouen: A man with a knife wanting to set fire to the synagogue shot dead by the police this Friday morning