16 九 2024
Russian Security: The foreign cell arrested in Dagestan provided money and weapons to the perpetrators of the Crocus crime
Iran tipped off Russia about the possibility of a major ‘terrorist operation’ on its soil ahead of the concert hall massacre near Moscow last month
3 civilians were killed (two children and an unidentified woman), and 5 civilians, including a child, were injured, in an initial toll after a car bomb explosion that occurred in a market in the city of Azaz, north of Aleppo, after midnight today, Sunday, March 31
Car bomb in Azaz, northern Aleppo, kills at least 6
5 月 前
5 月 前
It's propaganda
5 月 前
Turkish official: Two suspects in the Moscow attack moved freely between Turkey and Russia because no arrest warrants were issued against them at the time
5 月 前
Turkey detains 40 ISIS suspects amid reports Moscow terror suspect came from Istanbul
普京声称,Crocus 购物中心的伊斯兰激进分子的幕后黑手是同一个人,他们自 2014 年以来一直与乌克兰人作战
Kremlin: Putin will hold a meeting today regarding measures taken after the attack on the concert in Moscow
France: Following the attack in Moscow, a Defense and National Security Council was convened this evening at the Elysée by the President of the Republic. Given the claim for the attack by the Islamic State and the threats weighing on our country, we have decided to raise the Vigipirate posture to its highest level: attack emergency
ISIS 的 Amaq 机构公布了 ISIS 成员在莫斯科袭击期间拍摄的随身摄像机镜头5 月 前
ISIS 的 Amaq 机构公布了 ISIS 成员在莫斯科袭击期间拍摄的随身摄像机镜头
FSB称Crocus Hall袭击者计划逃往乌克兰,并在乌克兰有同伙帮助越境
5 月 前
俄罗斯调查委员会报告称克洛库斯市政厅袭击事件已造成 93 人死亡
5 月 前
据报道,2名嫌疑人在布良斯克地区Hatsun村附近被拘留,另有2名嫌疑人在逃,武器被缴获5 月 前
5 月 前
US Pledges Additional $22M to Fight Terrorism in Mozambique
5 月 前
IS claims the attack in Russia5 月 前
IS claims the attack in Russia
Since November there has been "fairly specific" intelligence that ISIS-K wanted to carry out attacks in Russia, sources tell @MarquardtA, @NatashaBertrand, @jmhansler. US intelligence warned Russia about it. Unclear if that drove the Mar 7 embassy warning