16 九 2024
FSB称Crocus Hall袭击者计划逃往乌克兰,并在乌克兰有同伙帮助越境
5 月 前
俄罗斯调查委员会报告称克洛库斯市政厅袭击事件已造成 93 人死亡
5 月 前
据报道,2名嫌疑人在布良斯克地区Hatsun村附近被拘留,另有2名嫌疑人在逃,武器被缴获5 月 前
5 月 前
US Pledges Additional $22M to Fight Terrorism in Mozambique
5 月 前
IS claims the attack in Russia5 月 前
IS claims the attack in Russia
Since November there has been "fairly specific" intelligence that ISIS-K wanted to carry out attacks in Russia, sources tell @MarquardtA, @NatashaBertrand, @jmhansler. US intelligence warned Russia about it. Unclear if that drove the Mar 7 embassy warning
5 月 前
Crocus 市政厅火灾面积为 12900 平方米
5 月 前
Vučić convened a meeting of the National Security Council: BIA to secure stadiums and shopping centers
5 月 前
5 月 前
据报道,三名武装伪装男子向人群开枪,Crocus City Mall 发生爆炸5 月 前
据报道,三名武装伪装男子向人群开枪,Crocus City Mall 发生爆炸
Germany: Islamic State Khurasan supporters arrested for plotting an attack against Swedish interests - were in communication with ISKP members
A flight of military aircraft belonging to the International Coalition forces near the Al-Omar oil field, east of Deir Ezzor
12 civilians were killed and 8 truffle pickers were injured in a mine explosion in the "Rajam al-Ajouz" area in Raqqa Governorate
6 月 前
ISIS claims two attacks against the SDF and the Asayish in the countryside of Deir_ez_Zor, eastern Syria
6 月 前
FSB exposed ISIS cell, plotting attack on the synagogue in Moscow, several suspected killed in Kaluga region
Iraqi Prime Minister: ISIS does not represent any threat to state security
Official Syrian media: 7 drones belonging to armed organizations were shot down in the countryside of Idlib and Raqqa
Iraqi Intelligence: We were able to arrest two of the "most dangerous ISIS leaders" in an operation outside the borders
Homs: 6 people were killed, including a member of the Damascus government forces, in an attack by ISIS militants on a group of truffle pickers, southeast of Jeb al-Jarrah in the eastern countryside of Homs
6 月 前
MAPUTO, MOZAMBIQUE — A new outbreak of unrest in northern Mozambique, a scene of a jihadist insurgency, has forced thousands to flee their homes, according to U.N. figures and sources in Cabo Delgado province
D24: Daesh launched an attack on government positions in the Bashri desert in the southern Deir Ezzor countryside this morning
7 月 前
Explosion in PD-4, Kabul City
7 月 前
Tajikistan: The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs called the explosion in Kulyab a terrorist attack