8 Juli 2024
7 Monat zuvor
A man has died and another two people have been injured after being attacked in Paris on Saturday eveningnn
7 Monat zuvor
Islamic Resistance in Iraq: We targeted the U.S. base in the Al-Omar oil field in Syria in response to the enemy's crimes in Gaza
Islamic State (IS) Militants Ambushed an Iraqi Army Patrol, in Masad Area, ar-Rutba, Anbar Province, Iraq – 16 November 2023
Unknown blast took place in the city of Manbij, northern Syria, casualties reported
8 Monat zuvor
Jharkhand ATS has arrested two ISIS operatives from Godda and Hazaribagh
8 Monat zuvor
Big ISIS attack at dawn today in area of Resafa (S. Raqqa desert). At least 30 pro-Assad fighters dead
8 Monat zuvor
ISIS claims responsibility for killing 7 people in a bus bombing in the Afghan capital
At least 7 killed and over 30 wounded in an explosion in a civilian minibus in Dasht-e-Barchi area of Kabul. It is a predominantly Hazara area. No claim of responsibility yet but ISKP is the likely suspect8 Monat zuvor
At least 7 killed and over 30 wounded in an explosion in a civilian minibus in Dasht-e-Barchi area of Kabul. It is a predominantly Hazara area. No claim of responsibility yet but ISKP is the likely suspect
IDF says troops detained 36 wanted Palestinians, including 18 Hamas members, during overnight raids across the West Bank. In Abu Dis, troops killed Nabil Halabia, an Islamic State operative who had been released from Israeli jail a few months ago. IDF also signs demolish order for home of Kamel Abu Bakr, the terrorist behind the deadly Tel Aviv shooting in August. Since Oct. 7, IDF says troops have arrested 1,350 wanted Palestinians across the West Bank, including more than 850 affiliated with Hamas
Islamic State claims it attacked Iraqi Army positions killing 12 soldiers and destroying 17 vehicles8 Monat zuvor
Islamic State claims it attacked Iraqi Army positions killing 12 soldiers and destroying 17 vehicles
8 Monat zuvor
Deir ez-Zor Eastern countryside: Ibrahim al-Bashir al-Hanat, Ahmed al-Bashir, and Sultan Khaled al-Taha were arrested during a campaign of raids carried out by SDF in the al-Sharai neighborhood in the town of Abu Hamam at dawn today. Deir ez-Zor
@FBI Director Christopher Wray calls out "dangerous implications, very fluid situation" as a result of the Hamas attack on Israel. Says the attack had taken the threat to the US to a "whole other level" - noting it has inspired calls for terror attacks by alQaida, ISIS
8 Monat zuvor
3 Galilee residents identified with ISIS were arrested by the Shin Bet and the police
A new attack on the Conoco military base, where U.S. forces are stationed in eastern Deir ez-Zur. This is the second attack by the Iranian militias against U.S. forces within a few hours
Raqqa: An ISIS cell was busted in the city of Raqqa, during joint SDF-US operation. The Terror cell was working on transferring intelligence information
8 Monat zuvor
Iranian Tasnim News Agency reports that 10 missiles struck the US military base in the Al-Omar field in eastern Syria following U.S. threats to Iran
8 Monat zuvor
Deadly explosion reported in a sports hall in Dasht-e-Barchi, Kabul
State Department: We applaud the Kyrgyz Republic's repatriation of 83 women and children from northeast Syria. This is an important step in resolving the ongoing challenges at al-Hol. We urge all countries to follow this example
Daesh attack foiled in Luxembourg
Syrian Ministry of Defense: Through the monitoring operations carried out by our armed forces of the movements and their continuous attempts to launch attacks on  civilians, a group of the terrorist organization ISIS was detected at dawn today, setting up an ambush on the main road east of Athreya.8 Monat zuvor
Syrian Ministry of Defense: Through the monitoring operations carried out by our armed forces of the movements and their continuous attempts to launch attacks on civilians, a group of the terrorist organization ISIS was detected at dawn today, setting up an ambush on the main road east of Athreya.
8 Monat zuvor
French President Emmanuel Macron proposed on Tuesday that an international coalition fighting against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria be widened to include the fight against the Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza
8 Monat zuvor
Counter terrorism forces of the Iraqi army are currently engaged in clashes with ISIS cells in Kirkuk region (autonomous region of Kurdistan)
8 Monat zuvor
Deir ez-Zur: SDF special forces carried out raids in eastern and western countryside of Deir ez-zor and 11 criminals were captured, including 3 smugglers
Explosions of unknown origin have been heard near the Conoco Gaz field base in eastern Deir ez-Zur. It is believed that Iranian militias targeted the vicinity of the Conoco base where U.S. forces are based
ISIS has launched a major assault on several Assad government positions to the south & east of al-Sukhna on Syria's M20 highway, including a number of gas facilities, one of which is the strategic Doubayat gas field
An unidentified drone just targeted the Iranian militia areas near to Al-Salhiya town in the countryside of Al-Bukamal, east of Deirezzor
The man suspected of having killed last night 2 people in Brussels, a Tunisian national, has been 'neutralised' by police in the neighborhood of Schaerbeek, reports @RTBF
French President: The Belgian capital, Brussels, was subjected to a new terrorist attack
Terror threat in Brussels raised to highest level after deadly shooting with suspect still at large
Israeli army officially confirms troops found an Islamic State flag among items belonging to Palestinian militants who attacked Kibbutz Sufa on Saturday morning9 Monat zuvor
Israeli army officially confirms troops found an Islamic State flag among items belonging to Palestinian militants who attacked Kibbutz Sufa on Saturday morning