8 Juli 2024
3 Monat zuvor
A flight of military aircraft belonging to the International Coalition forces near the Al-Omar oil field, east of Deir Ezzor
12 civilians were killed and 8 truffle pickers were injured in a mine explosion in the "Rajam al-Ajouz" area in Raqqa Governorate
4 Monat zuvor
ISIS claims two attacks against the SDF and the Asayish in the countryside of Deir_ez_Zor, eastern Syria
4 Monat zuvor
Warnung der US-Botschaft in Russland: Die Botschaft überwacht Berichte, dass Extremisten unmittelbar planen, große Versammlungen in Moskau ins Visier zu nehmen, darunter auch Konzerte, und US-Bürgern sollte geraten werden, große Versammlungen in den nächsten 48 Stunden zu meiden
4 Monat zuvor
FSB exposed ISIS cell, plotting attack on the synagogue in Moscow, several suspected killed in Kaluga region
Iraqi Prime Minister: ISIS does not represent any threat to state security
4 Monat zuvor
Bei Zusammenstößen mit der Anti-Terror-Polizei im Dorf Karabulak in Inguschetien wurden fünf Männer getötet
4 Monat zuvor
Zusammenstöße mit mutmaßlichen Militanten im Dorf Karabulak, Inguschetien
Official Syrian media: 7 drones belonging to armed organizations were shot down in the countryside of Idlib and Raqqa
Iraqi Intelligence: We were able to arrest two of the "most dangerous ISIS leaders" in an operation outside the borders
4 Monat zuvor
Homs: 6 people were killed, including a member of the Damascus government forces, in an attack by ISIS militants on a group of truffle pickers, southeast of Jeb al-Jarrah in the eastern countryside of Homs
4 Monat zuvor
MAPUTO, MOZAMBIQUE — A new outbreak of unrest in northern Mozambique, a scene of a jihadist insurgency, has forced thousands to flee their homes, according to U.N. figures and sources in Cabo Delgado province
4 Monat zuvor
D24: Daesh launched an attack on government positions in the Bashri desert in the southern Deir Ezzor countryside this morning
4 Monat zuvor
Explosion in PD-4, Kabul City
4 Monat zuvor
Tajikistan: The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs called the explosion in Kulyab a terrorist attack
4 Monat zuvor
9 Syrian army soldiers were killed in an ISIS attack on a military barracks in the center of the country
IS-Somalia claims it targeted a police vehicle in Karaan, Mogadishu yesterday with an IED causing 6 casualties:5 Monat zuvor
IS-Somalia claims it targeted a police vehicle in Karaan, Mogadishu yesterday with an IED causing 6 casualties:
The International Coalition: We look forward to continuing military talks with our Iraqi partners on Sunday and discussing the transitional phase of our mission
5 Monat zuvor
Iran’s foreign minister departed for Beirut, Lebanon, to meet a number of Lebanese officials and the resistance front leaders
An Iraqi military spokesman: What the international coalition is doing is pushing the government more than ever before to finish its mission
An Iraqi military spokesman: The international coalition completely exceeds the reasons and purposes for which it was found on our land
Night raid by IS-West Africa on a Nigerian police barracks in Gajiram, Borno:5 Monat zuvor
Night raid by IS-West Africa on a Nigerian police barracks in Gajiram, Borno:
The Iraqi Parliament: The international coalition forces are now threatening the security, stability and sovereignty of Iraq and must be removed immediately
The Iraqi Presidency: U.S. attacks will undermine the chances of success of the ongoing negotiations with the international coalition
5 Monat zuvor
In souther @Syria, ISIS "maintains around 20 active cells totalling 250 to 300 fighters in Dar’a & Suwayda’, some opportunistically collaborating with other armed factions" per @UN report "aims to expand towards the outskirts of Damascus to establish a stronger foothold"
5 Monat zuvor
ISIS in Syria also was "able to free some leaders & operatives held in SDF-controlled prisons, intensify recruitment & expand the presence of small mobile cells along the Syrian-Iraqi borders" per @UN report
5 Monat zuvor
Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announces the arrest of the perpetrator of the attack that targeted a church in Istanbul on Sunday
Islamic State claims responsibility for the attack against the Istanbul church, killing a person today. A bit bizarre5 Monat zuvor
Islamic State claims responsibility for the attack against the Istanbul church, killing a person today. A bit bizarre
Daraa: Abu Laith Al-Azizi, a prominent leader of ISIS, was killed in Daraa. His death was confirmed a short while ago in the city of Nawa, west of Daraa
Soldiers kill 2 suspects in Marawi bombing, 6 others in Lanao del Sur