1 July 2024
Macron: The ISIS branch behind the Moscow attack also targeted France
Macron: We proposed to Russia cooperation in combating terrorism
3 month ago
Kremlin: Putin will hold a meeting today regarding measures taken after the attack on the concert in Moscow
France: Following the attack in Moscow, a Defense and National Security Council was convened this evening at the Elysée by the President of the Republic. Given the claim for the attack by the Islamic State and the threats weighing on our country, we have decided to raise the Vigipirate posture to its highest level: attack emergency
ISIS's Amaq agency published bodycam footage taken by ISIS members during the attack in Moscow3 month ago
ISIS's Amaq agency published bodycam footage taken by ISIS members during the attack in Moscow
3 month ago
Putin in an address claimed “a window was prepared for terrorists at the border of Ukraine”
3 month ago
FSB claims Crocus hall attackers planned to flee to Ukraine, and have accomplices in Ukraine to help to cross the border
3 month ago
Russian investigative committee reports 93 killed as result of an attack at Crocus City Hall
3 month ago
Russian Media citing source in security services confirmed U.S. warned about terror plot, but complained U.S. provided only general information, not details
3 month ago
The head of the FSB reported to Putin about the detention of 11 people, including all 4 suspects directly involved in the terrorist attack at Crocus
2 suspects were reportedly detained near Hatsun village of Bryansk region, 2 more on the loose, weapons seized3 month ago
2 suspects were reportedly detained near Hatsun village of Bryansk region, 2 more on the loose, weapons seized
3 month ago
US Pledges Additional $22M to Fight Terrorism in Mozambique
3 month ago
ISIS claims responsibility for the attack on a concert hall near Moscow
IS claims the attack in Russia3 month ago
IS claims the attack in Russia
Since November there has been "fairly specific" intelligence that ISIS-K wanted to carry out attacks in Russia, sources tell @MarquardtA, @NatashaBertrand, @jmhansler. US intelligence warned Russia about it. Unclear if that drove the Mar 7 embassy warning
3 month ago
Fire at Crocus City Hall contained at 12900 m2
3 month ago
Vučić convened a meeting of the National Security Council: BIA to secure stadiums and shopping centers
3 month ago
According to Russian media about 40 killed, 100 wounded as result of shooting in Crocus City Hall near Moscow, more trapped in the burning building
3 month ago
Helicopters are extinguishing fire at Crocus City Hall
Explosion in Crocus City Mall after reports of 3 armed camouflaged men opened fire at the crowd3 month ago
Explosion in Crocus City Mall after reports of 3 armed camouflaged men opened fire at the crowd
3 month ago
Germany: Islamic State Khurasan supporters arrested for plotting an attack against Swedish interests - were in communication with ISKP members
A flight of military aircraft belonging to the International Coalition forces near the Al-Omar oil field, east of Deir Ezzor
12 civilians were killed and 8 truffle pickers were injured in a mine explosion in the "Rajam al-Ajouz" area in Raqqa Governorate
3 month ago
ISIS claims two attacks against the SDF and the Asayish in the countryside of Deir_ez_Zor, eastern Syria
3 month ago
U.S. Embassy in Russia alert: The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours
3 month ago
FSB exposed ISIS cell, plotting attack on the synagogue in Moscow, several suspected killed in Kaluga region
Iraqi Prime Minister: ISIS does not represent any threat to state security
Five men were killed in clashes with counter-terrorism police in Karabulak village of Ingushetiya
Clashes with suspected militants at Karabulak village, Ingushetiya
Official Syrian media: 7 drones belonging to armed organizations were shot down in the countryside of Idlib and Raqqa