11 month agoIslamic State West Africa (ISWA/Wilayat Gharb Afriqiyah) Claims Responsibility for an Armed Assault on a Red Cross Vehicle in Chetimari, Diffa Region, Niger
11 month agoEast Syria: ISIS launched last night an attack near Maadan Atiq (SE. Raqqa desert), reaching the N4 Highway. At least 2 pro-Assad fighters were killed. Pace of IS attacks increased, despite regular RuAF & SyAF airstrikes
11 month agoThe Palestinian Authority busted an Islamic State cell in Jenin that was planning to target Palestinian security forces. A car packed with explosives, a shell, and weapons were confiscated, according to Palestinian reports
A Palestinian security source: The arrest of an ISIS cell that was planning to target security headquarters in the West Bank
ISIS launches an attack on several axes in the Deir ez-Zor countryside in northeastern Syria
Turkey revokes visa exemption for Tajikistan citizens following the Moscow attack and church attack in Istanbul earlier this year.
11 month agoAl-Raqqa: ISIS launches an attack on the positions of the government forces in the city of Maadan Atiq, coinciding with the sound of explosions being heard near the Al-Qaws area, west of Deir Ezzor.
11 month agoISWAP claims to have targeted a Red Cross vehicle in Chitimari, Diffa region, killing two volunteers Niger
Russian Federal Security: 3 accomplices arrested in the Crocus attack near Moscow
It's propaganda
Wezîrê Karên Derve yê Rûsyayê Lavrov îdîa kir ku "di êrîşa Salona Crocus de şopên Ukraynayê hene"
11 month agoISWAP says it executed a Nigerian army spy near Kirinwa town
Russian Security: The foreign cell arrested in Dagestan provided money and weapons to the perpetrators of the Crocus crime
Iran tipped off Russia about the possibility of a major ‘terrorist operation’ on its soil ahead of the concert hall massacre near Moscow last month
Komîteya Têkoşîna Dijî Terorê ya Rûsyayê ragihand ku di operasyonên li dijî terorê yên li Makhaçkala û Kaspiyskê da 3 kesên ku plana êrîşên terorê kiribûn hatin binçavkirin.
11 month ago3 civilians were killed (two children and an unidentified woman), and 5 civilians, including a child, were injured, in an initial toll after a car bomb explosion that occurred in a market in the city of Azaz, north of Aleppo, after midnight today, Sunday, March 31
11 month agoCar bomb in Azaz, northern Aleppo, kills at least 6
FSB ragihand ku li herêma Stavropolê êrîşeke terorîstî hat astengkirin, 3 welatiyên welatên Asyaya Navîn hatin binçavkirin.
Lukashenka got ku terorîstan piştî êrîşa terorîstî ya li Crocus plan kirin ku birevin Belarusê. Lûkaşenka got, "Ji ber rewşa şer bi xwe me yekîneyên xwe anîne nava tevgerê. Ji ber vê yekê nekarîn bikevin Belarûsê. Ev yek dîtin. Ji ber vê yekê berê xwe dan û çûn beşa sînorê Ukrayna-Rûsyayê."
Belarûs, bi peymana bi Federasyona Rûsyayê re, sînorê xwe li ber tevgera muhtemel a sûcdarên ku li herêma Moskowê êrîşek terorîstî pêk anîne asteng kir - Lukashenka.
It's propaganda
Rêveberê FSB Bortnikov îdia kir ku servîsên ewlekarî yên Ukraynayê di êrîşa wan de li ser avahiya şaredariya Crocus alîkariya radîkalên îslamî kirine.
Turkish official: Two suspects in the Moscow attack moved freely between Turkey and Russia because no arrest warrants were issued against them at the time
Turkey detains 40 ISIS suspects amid reports Moscow terror suspect came from Istanbul
11 month agoPûtîn: Pêwîst e bersiva vê pirsê bê dayîn ka çima çekdaran piştî ku sûcek li Crocus kirin, xwestin ku biçin Ukraynayê û kî li wir li benda wan bû
Êrîşa terorîstî ya li Crocus bi awayekî mentiqî di nav kampanyayên tirsandinê yên ku ji hêla Kîev ve hatine kirin re têkildar e, - Putin îdîa dike.
Pûtîn îdia dike ku heman kes li pişt radîkalên îslamî yên ji navenda Crocus in, ku ji sala 2014an ve bi destên Ukraynayê bi Rûsyayê re şer dikin.
Pûtîn: Em dizanin ku êrîşa terorîstî ya li Crocus ji aliyê îslamiyên radîkal ve hatiye kirin
Macron: Şaxa DAIŞê ya pişt êrîşa Moskowê jî Fransa kire armanc
Macron: Me ji bo têkoşîna li dijî terorê hevkariya Rûsyayê pêşniyar kir
Kremlin: Putin will hold a meeting today regarding measures taken after the attack on the concert in Moscow
France: Following the attack in Moscow, a Defense and National Security Council was convened this evening at the Elysée by the President of the Republic. Given the claim for the attack by the Islamic State and the threats weighing on our country, we have decided to raise the Vigipirate posture to its highest level: attack emergency