Daesh Claims Bombing of Taliban Ministry
Nahr Media correspondent: The Internal Security Service carried out a raid campaign yesterday in the "Harabesh" neighborhood in Deir Ezzor city, which resulted in the arrest of a group of leaders of the "National Defense" militia, namely: 1- Khader Al-Sinjar 2- Suleiman Aziz Al-Sharaa 3- Rashid Al-Faraj, commander of the Al-Jufra sector in the militia
One killed, 4 wounded in a stabbing attack in southern Austria. The attacker - a Syrian citizen - is arrested
Afghanistan: A blast occurred inside a mosque during the Friday prayer in the afternoon in the Aybak city of Samangan province. nnSeveral worshippers, including Afghan Taliban fighters, were reportedly left injured
ISIS-K has "benefited from the Taliban’s inability to protect itself against infiltration and corruption among its own ranks, despite raids conducted to arrest disloyal officials" per the UN report
French President: War against ISIS must continue
German police: Munich ramming suspect is Afghan asylum seeker
3 week agoFSB ya Rûsyayê kuştina gumanbarên ku plana êrîşa bombeyî li stasyona trenê ya li Pskov, şaneya muhtemel a DAIŞ-K-ê kiribû, ragihand.
ISIS member neutralized outside security perimeters of @MUDH_AF in Kabul
The US military command in Africa "AFRICOM" announced the killing of prominent leaders of the terrorist organization "ISIS" in an air strike targeting the mountainous areas in the Bari province in northeastern Somalia
Amerîka dibêje ku alîkarî ji bo rêvebirin û ewlekirina kampên li bakurê rojhilatê Sûrîyayê bi girtiyên girêdayî Dewleta Îslamî re nikare heta hetayê bidome, kamp nikarin bibin berpirsîyarîyeke darayî ya Amerîka, daxwaz ji welatan dike ku welatîyên xwe yên aware û girtî li herêmê vegerînin welatê xwe.
US Central Command: Two ISIS members killed in raids by Iraqi security forces supported by US forces near Kirkuk
AFRICOM: 14 ISIS members killed in airstrike in northeastern Somalia
3 week agoISIS-K has accepted responsibility for a Suicide Attack on a Bank earlier today within the Northern Afghan City of Kunduz, resulting in the death and injury of roughly 50 Taliban Fighters who were waiting to receive their Paychecks
More than 13 foreign ISIS militants were killed in an airstrike in the Dasaan area of the Calmiskaad mountain range within the last 24 hours, the Puntland army confirmed
QSD'ê îro danê sibê êrîşek li gundê El-Tewamiya yê girêdayî bajarokê El-Buseyrah li rojhilatê Dêra Zorê pêk anî, malên endamên veqetandî kirin armanc û hejmarek ji wan girtin, ku di nav wan de "Beşar El-Saleîm" tê zanîn.
Herî kêm sê serkirdeyên payebilind ên "Dewleta Îslamî" (DAIŞ), di nav wan de parêzgarê Kerkûkê yê bi navê "waliyê Kerkûkê", di êrîşeke asmanî ya Îraqî de dawîya meha borî hatin kuştin, artêşa Îraqî roja Şemîyê piştrast kir.
4 week agoAn Islamic State ambush on the Nigerian army patrol on the road Goniri-Katarko in Yobe state Nigeria
1 month agoBalafirên şer ên hevpeymaniya navdewletî bi tundî li esmanê bajarokên El-Quriye û El-Eşara yên rojhilatê Dêra Zorê geriyan. Dêra Zorê
Hêzên HSDê bi beşdariya hêzên hevpeymaniya navdewletî ya bi serokatiya Amerîka li gundewarê başûrê Hesekê dest bi operasyonên ewlehiyê yên berfereh li dijî çekdarên DAIŞê kirin.
Puntland counterterrorism officials say 57 ISIS fighters have been killed in the latest encounter between security forces and militants in the vicinity of Togjaceel, Cal-Miskaat mountains.
1 month agoMozambique: ISIS continues attacks on army and Christian villages in Cabodelgado area
Di êrîşeke asmanî ya 31 Çile de li nêzîkî Kerkûka Iraqê 5 endamên DAIŞê hatin kuştin. - Fermandariya Navendî ya Dewletên Yekbûyî
Hêzên hevpeymaniya cîhanî ya bi serokatiya Amerîka roja Yekşemê serkirdeyekî Dewleta Îslamî (DAIŞ) di êrîşeke asmanî ya bi şev de li gundewarê Dêrezorê li rojhilatê Sûriyê girt.
According to Reuters, a firing incident at a United Nations compound in Kabul has killed one person and injured another. "Guards belonging to the Taliban were involved in the incident and investigations are on," UNAMA confirmed
Hêzên taybet ên QSD'ê di operasyonên li bajarokê El-Kuber ê rojavayê Dêrezorê de 13 gumanbarên terorê girtin.
The government of the northern Puntland region of Somalia says US airstrikes on the Golis Mountains killed "key leaders" of the Islamic State group.
Trump: This morning I ordered precision Military air strikes on the Senior ISIS Attack Planner and other terrorists he recruited and led in Somalia. These killers, who we found hiding in caves, threatened the United States and our Allies. The strikes destroyed the caves they live in, and killed many terrorists without, in any way, harming civilians. Our Military has targeted this ISIS Attack Planner for years, but Biden and his cronies wouldn’t act quickly enough to get the job done. I did! The message to ISIS and all others who would attack Americans is that “WE WILL FIND YOU, AND WE WILL KILL YOU!”
1 month agoForeigner planning to blow up Kislovodsk-Mineralnye Vody train detained in Yessentuki
Unidentified armed men raided a home in eastern Khost province, killing 10 family members, including women and children, local Taliban authorities have confirmed