8 month agoIslamic State (IS) Armed Assault Targets a Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF/PKK) Oil Tank in al-Ja'ar Village, as-Suwar, Deir ez-Zur Governorate, Syria
Iraq to repatriate 150 ISIS-linked families (~650 individuals) from al-Hol
8 month agoThe Netherlands will initiate establishment of international tribunal to try crimes committed by IS (Da’esh)
On Thursday, Sudan's army chief Burhan said the RSF had targeted internment camps for Islamic State (IS) elements, thereby enabling the liberation of some of them. Sudanese authorities monitor IS cells and have recently detained IS members upon entry
South Syria. An IED was detonated in the South Quneitra province (few km from the Golan) targeting a joint convoy with Assad's & Russian forces. One vehicle struck
8 month agoThree militants, including an ISIS leader, were killed in an Iraqi air strike north of Diyala
Unidentified gunmen kill two soldiers of the Pro-Assad forces forces in Deir_ez_Zor Governorate, eastern Syria
8 month agoLi Mahachkalaya Daxistanê bûyereke din a ewlehiyê. Li navenda bajêr gulebaran kirin, polîs bi cih bûne
Li Derbendê 2 û li Mahachkala jî 4 çekdar hatin kuştin. 16 kes birîndar bûn, 8 polîs û 2 sivîl hatin kuştin
Wezareta Karên Navxweyî ya Daxistanê ragihand ku hemî derketinên ji Makhachkala têne girtin
Di encama pevçûnên li Mahaçkalayê de 4 çete hatin kuştin
8 month agoLi navçeya Sergokala ya Daxistanê pevçûn derket
Serokê navçeya Sergokalinsky ya Daxistanê Magomed Omarov hat binçavkirin. Hat îdiakirin ku kurên wî beşdarî êrîşa li komarê bûne.
Di pevçûnên li Daxistanê de herî kêm 9 kes hatin kuştin, ku ji wan 7 efserên qanûnê ne
Di encama şer û pevçûnên li bajarokên Makhaçkala û Derbendîxanê yên Daxistanê de 3 çekdarên gumanbar û 1 leşkerê Rosguard hatin kuştin.
8 month agoWesayîtên zirxî li kolanên Derbendîxana Daxistanê hatin dîtin
8 month agoLi Mahachkala, Dagestan, bi mîlîtanên gumanbar re pevçûn
Li Derbendîxanê bi çekdarên gumanbar re pevçûn
U.S. Central Command Airstrike in Syria Kills Senior ISIS Official. On June 16, U.S. Central Command conducted an airstrike in Syria, killing Usamah Jamal Muhammad Ibrahim al-Janabi, a senior ISIS official and facilitator. His death will disrupt ISIS’s ability to resource and conduct terror attacks
Knife attack in Metz: Five people were injured with knives, two of them very seriously, - announces the prosecutor
Li girtîgeha Rostovê 2 girtî hatin kuştin, 4 birîndar û rehîn hatin rizgarkirin
8 month agoLi nêzî girtîgeha Rostov-on-Don di nav rewşa rehîneyan de dengê guleyan tê bihîstin
In Rostov-on-Don, several prisoners held in a pre-trial detention center took two detention center employees hostage. Prisoners claim their allegiance to Islamic State
8 month agoU.S. Sanctions ISIS-linked Human Smuggling Network in Coordinated Action with Türkiye
9 month agoIt's propaganda
Serokê FSB Bortnikov dîsa Îstîxbarata Leşkerî ya Ukraynayê bi tevlêbûna êrîşa terorê ya li navenda Crocus li nêzî Moskowê tawanbar kir.
Nigeria gunmen kill 50 in raid on northwest village, residents say
9 month agoEast Syria: Russian Air Force is conducting airstrikes every day vs alleged ISIS-held positions. Assad's forces still heavily rely on foreign help, including on the ground. And to cover up their failure, the usual Kremlin propaganda IS comes from Al-Tanf zone (~130 km from Bishri)
Islamic State terror suspect is caught by policemen in Germany ahead of Euro 2024.He holds German, Moroccan and Polish passports. Other sites reported Germans suspect him of belonging to ISKP Germany
US Embassy in Beirut has closed for the day after a Syrian national wearing a vest with “IS” written on it opened fire at the entrance. The Lebanese Army shot and wounded the assailant
French security authorities foil a plan to attack soccer events during the Paris Olympics