9 Adar 2025
One person was killed and another was injured in an airstrike by international coalition aircraft targeting a motorcycle near the town of Sarmada in the northern Idlib countryside
Rêxistina Dewleta Îslamî "DAIŞ" duhî berpirsatiya êrîşa li ser gundê "El-Zar" li gundewarê rojhilatê Dêra Zorê girt ser xwe.
Iraqi Forces conducted airstrikes against ISIS hideout in Hamrin Mountains and killed 4 militants including 2 senior leaders. From the slain militants, Iraqi Forces captured a USA-made M16A4 rifle with Pulsar Trail 2 LRF Thermal scope —a notable status weapon
Somali security officials in Puntland region report direct clashes with Islamic State fighters, display bodies of militants killed in the military offensive into the eastern highlands of Cal-Miskaad
Syria’s security services say they foiled an ISIS plot to attack a Shiite site in Damascus
Somali regional forces in Puntland have reported the destruction of five militants bases in the eastern Cal-Miskaad mountanous areas. Friday’s news comes as the region’s forces expand their military operations Islamic State militants1 month ago
Somali regional forces in Puntland have reported the destruction of five militants bases in the eastern Cal-Miskaad mountanous areas. Friday’s news comes as the region’s forces expand their military operations Islamic State militants
2 month ago
Wezîrê Derve yê Tirkiyê: Eger rêveberiya Sûriyê nikaribe vê yekê bike, Tirkiye dikare zindan û kampên binçavkirinê ji bo endamên DAIŞê li Sûriyê birêve bibe.
Îro danê sibê şervanên QSD`ê li bajarokê El-Zuxayer ê rojavayê Dêrezorê dest bi operasyoneke serdegirtin û girtinê kirin.2 month ago
Îro danê sibê şervanên QSD`ê li bajarokê El-Zuxayer ê rojavayê Dêrezorê dest bi operasyoneke serdegirtin û girtinê kirin.
QSD'ê ji bo lêgerîna kolberan li taxa Xiwêran a bajarê Hesekê dest bi hemleyekê kir.
CENTCOM: Ji 30ê Kanûna Yekem heta 6ê Çile, CENTCOM û hêzên Iraqî gelek êrîş li çiyayên Hemrînê yên Iraqê pêk anîn, û cihên DAIŞê yên naskirî kirin armanc. Di operasyonan de, çendîn caran çekdarên DAIŞê bi hêzên Koalîsyonê re mijûl bûn û di encamê de balafirên Koalîsyonê F-16, F-15 û A-10 bikar anîn. Balafirên A-10 ên ku ji bo piştgiriya hêzên bejayî yên li herêmê hatibûn wezîfedarkirin, di şikeftekê de çeteyên DAIŞ'ê ji holê rakirin. Yek ji endamên Koalîsyonê hat kuştin û 2 jî birîndar bûn ji du neteweyên cuda. Ti ziyan negihiştiye personelên Amerîkî û zerar li alavên Amerîkî nebûye. Ji 2ê Çile heta 3ê Çile, Hêzên Sûriyeya Demokratîk (HSD) ku ji aliyê hêzên CENTCOM ve hatine desteserkirin, operasyoneke D-DAIŞê li nêzîkî Dêrezorê li Sûriyê pêk anîn û di encamê de serkirdeyekî şaneke DAIŞê hat girtin.
2 month ago
Wezîrê Derve yê Tirkiyê: Rêveberiya nû ya Sûriyê dikare zindanên DAIŞê li Sûriyê bigire
French-German statement after meeting with al-Julani: The need to continue the fight against ISIS was emphasized
2 month ago
Balafirên şer ên hevpeymaniya navdewletî çend êrîşên asmanî li ser cihên ku DAIŞê li biyabana başûrê Reqayê lê çalak e kirin armanc.
FBI says the Islamic State group flag was recovered in the vehicle used by a 42-year-old U.S. citizen who killed at least 10 people in New Orleans
FBI confirms suspect name, ISIS flag in the rented vehicle, IEDs: "The subject has been identified as 42-year-old Shamsud-Din Jabbar, a U.S. citizen from Texas. He was driving a Ford pickup truck, which appears to have been rented and we are working to confirm how the subject came into possession of the vehicle. An ISIS flag was located in the vehicle and the FBI is working to determine the subject's potential associations and affiliations with terrorist organizations. Weapons and a potential IED were located in the subject’s vehicle. Other potential IEDs were also located in the French Quarter. The FBI’s Special Agent Bomb Technicians are working with our law enforcement partners to determine if any of these devices are viable and they will work to render those devices safe."
Syria: the French Air Force carried out yesterday 2 airstrikes against ISIS targets in the desert. Precise location undisclosed.
2 month ago
FSB in Moscow foiled ISIS Wilayat Khorasan plot to attack police station with VBIED
Over 6,000 Prisoners, Including Islamic State Mozambique (ISM/ShabaabCult) Militants, Escape From Maputo Central Prison Amid Election Protests in Maputo, Mozambique2 month ago
Over 6,000 Prisoners, Including Islamic State Mozambique (ISM/ShabaabCult) Militants, Escape From Maputo Central Prison Amid Election Protests in Maputo, Mozambique
Over the past two weeks, the SDF has carried out extensive arrest campaigns throughout Raqqa and its countryside, detaining around 100 people. The arrests primarily targeted activists, individuals connected to the protests, and even the owner of an internet café
2 month ago
US military: We carried out an airstrike in Syria that killed 2 ISIS members and wounded another
Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said in a phone call with his British counterpart: ISIS is reorganizing its ranks, as it has seized quantities of weapons as a result of the collapse of the Syrian army and its abandonment of its weapons stores, which has allowed it to expand its control over additional areas, and this will be dangerous for Syria and Iraq.
U.S. forces killed ISIS leader Abu Yusif aka Mahmud in an airstrike in the Deir ez-Zur Province, CENTCOM says.
2 month ago
U.S. central command airstrikes on Thursday killed two isis operatives, including ISIS leader Abu Yusif -statement
Iraqi Foreign Minister: ISIS is expanding its areas of control and reorganizing its ranks using weapons it seized as a result of the collapse of the Syrian army
Pentagon says there are now 2,000 US troops in Syria, up from previous level of 900 "core" presence. Additional ~1,100 are "temporary rotational forces" deployed to meet "shifting mission requirements," @PentagonPresSec says
A large-scale campaign by the Syrian Democratic Forces in the city of Maadan, in the countryside of Raqqa, after some ISIS sleeper cells entered it2 month ago
A large-scale campaign by the Syrian Democratic Forces in the city of Maadan, in the countryside of Raqqa, after "some ISIS sleeper cells entered it"
International coalition warplanes fly south of Tabqa city in Raqqa countryside after carrying out several raids on ISIS sites in the Syrian Badia
US airstrikes vs ISIS in Syria - targeted camps, operatives Monday. Initial assessment - 12 ISIS fighters killed, no civilian casualties, per @PentagonPresSec MajGen Par Ryder
2 month ago
Convoys of Military Operations Administration forces arrive in Deir Ezzor city
Explosions heard in Albukamal area near the border with Iraq