19 سبتمبر 2024
Mozambique IS-Moz claimed credit for the 31 January attack at Iba (Meluco). The claim refers to 13 local force men killed. Photos showing corpses and beheadings are not shared1 سنة منذ
Mozambique IS-Moz claimed credit for the 31 January attack at Iba (Meluco). The claim refers to 13 local force men killed. Photos showing corpses and beheadings are not shared
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تركيا : إعتـ.ـقال 14 شخصاً يحملون جنسيات أجنبية بتهمة الانتماء إلى تنظـ.ـيم الدولـ.ـة في عمــ.ـلية أمنيـ.ـة نفذتهـ.ـا مديرية الأمـ.ـن في العاصمة أنقرة وفق وكالة الأناضول
At least 90 people have been killed in Monday's suicide bombing inside a mosque in the city of Peshawar, Pakistan. The attack was initially claimed by the Pakistani Taliban (TTP), but denied by its spokesperson later
National Investigation Agency (NIA) today filed charge-sheet against an accused in a Special Court in Delhi pertaining to a conspiracy hatched by member of ISIS, a proscribed terrorist organization, for propagation of the ideology and to raise funds for the organization: NIA1 سنة منذ
National Investigation Agency (NIA) today filed charge-sheet against an accused in a Special Court in Delhi pertaining to a conspiracy hatched by member of ISIS, a proscribed terrorist organization, for propagation of the ideology and to raise funds for the organization: NIA
Aftermath of the suicide attack inside the mosque. Peshawar, Pakistan
US, @USAfricaCommand announce successful counterterrorism operation in Somalia   Statement says it took place in a remote location  Target was NOT alShabaab, per US official1 سنة منذ
US, @USAfricaCommand announce "successful counterterrorism operation in Somalia" Statement says it took place in a "remote location" Target was NOT alShabaab, per US official
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ISIS has claimed responsibility for a clash with a Mozambican army patrol in the village of Litandacua in Mozambique's Cabo Delgado Province
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Islamic State group claims eastern DR Congo attack, which killed 23
A man linked to ISIS was killed by unknown gunmen in Daraa after an ISIS revival in the region two months ago
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Armed men, raising ISIS banners capture nine Iranian-backed militants in Syria's Deir ez-Zor
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A criminal complaint in Manhattan federal court said Trevor Thomas Bickford told a family member that he wanted to go to Jordan or Afghanistan to be a suicide bomber for his religion. He now faces federal terrorism charges
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02 Shops vandalized by BokoHaram JAS elements in Amchide on the night of January 10-11,2023. Insurgents also invaded carrot farms in Yegoua on the same night, harvesting all the vegetables
An IED explodes with a car belonging to the Turkish-backed SNA factions in al-Bab city in the eastern countryside of Aleppo
قسد تعلن اعتقال 100 عنصر من داعش في شمال سوريا
استنفار للمليشيات الإيرانية في المياذين وخروج العماصر من مقرات التابعة للحرس الثوري الإيراني ومقرات المليشيات التابعة لإيران خوفا من استهدافها من قبل الطيران الحربي.
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مصادر العربية: إطلاق النار والانفجارات في كابل نتيجة عملية أمنية ضد داعش
اعتقال حافظ الخبيل قائد سابق في تنظيم داعش الإرهابي بعد مداهمة منزله في مدينة البصيرة شرقي ديرالزور من قبل قوات قسد والتحالف الدولي. حافظ الخبيل أحد أقارب أحمد الخبيل قائد مجلس ديرالزور العسكري التابع لقوات قسد .
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حمص: قتلى وجرحى من قوات الأسد جراء هجوم استهدف نقاطا لها في بادية تدمر بالريف الشرقي
Three Egyptian security forces personnel killed in militant attack in Suez-Canal city of Ismailia, state-controlled media report1 سنة منذ
Three Egyptian security forces personnel killed in militant attack in Suez-Canal city of Ismailia, state-controlled media report
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ISIS attack the SAA garrison at Beer al-Sadran, Raqqa tonight
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Deir ez-Zur: US helicopters activities in the northern Deir ez-zor countryside, and there are reports of airdrop operation in the region
Another ISIS attack in E. Syria killed at least six 18th Armored Division soldiers in ambush in N. Palmyra mounts. IS suddendly boosted its attacks past 48 hours with at least 16 confirmed dead so far1 سنة منذ
Another ISIS attack in E. Syria killed at least six 18th Armored Division soldiers in ambush in N. Palmyra mounts. IS suddendly boosted its attacks past 48 hours with at least 16 confirmed dead so far
Amaq has now released a video showing the ISKP car bomb that killed the Taliban commander Maulvi Abdul Haq Omar in Faizabad, Badakhshan. The car used for bombing was stationary and the Taliban commander and his fighters were on foot. Video filmed from a moving car1 سنة منذ
Amaq has now released a video showing the ISKP car bomb that killed the Taliban commander Maulvi Abdul Haq Omar in Faizabad, Badakhshan. The car used for bombing was stationary and the Taliban commander and his fighters were on foot. Video filmed from a moving car
ISIS claimed Raqqa attack1 سنة منذ
ISIS claimed Raqqa attack
لجنة الداخلية في الإدارة الذاتية المدنية في الرقة تعلن عن حالة الطوارئ وفرض حظر كلي في مدينة الرقة ابتداء من اليوم وحتى إشعار آخر1 سنة منذ
لجنة الداخلية في الإدارة الذاتية المدنية في الرقة تعلن عن حالة الطوارئ وفرض حظر كلي في مدينة الرقة ابتداء من اليوم وحتى إشعار آخر
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الرقة اغلاق بلدية الشعب في الرقة نتيجة هجوم خلايا تنظيم داعش الارهابي على القسم الغربي للبلدية في مساكن الحوض. حسب فإن الهجوم أوقع عدد من موظفي البلدية بعد الاشتباكات وقعت بين خلايا داعش وعناصر حماية المقر ،وحالة استنفار لقوات قسد في الرقة.
Via Daesh propaganda wing, Amaq News: Daesh claim responsibility for targeting an Iraqi army barracks in the 70 kilometer area east of Al-Rutba, Al-Anbar with machine guns and launchers, which resulted in a number of injuries and the destruction of a thermal camera1 سنة منذ
Via Daesh propaganda wing, Amaq News: Daesh claim responsibility for targeting an Iraqi army barracks in the 70 kilometer area east of Al-Rutba, Al-Anbar with machine guns and launchers, which resulted in a number of injuries and the destruction of a thermal camera
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أفاد في مدينة ديرالزور دخول مجموعات تابعة لــــمليشيا الدفاع الوطني الموالية لنظام الأسد لمناطق سيطرة قوات قسد في ريف ديرالزور الغربي. وأفاد أن عناصر مليشيا الدفاع الوطني دخلوا المنطقة بــــلباس مدني دون أسلحة عن طريق أقارب لهم من عشيرة البكارة.
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Five soldiers killed in Kirkuk and Ninewa by bomb blast, two schools suspended
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Islamic State (IS) militants on Wednesday night carried out a fresh attack against the Iraqi Army forces in west of Kirkuk, with possible casualties not known yet