19 سبتمبر 2024
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Reports on the alleged massive attack of the Islamic State on Macomia, with news of multiple IS teams blocking roads and setting checkpoints in the entire region while the battle is ongoing
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ISIS militants attack posts of the Pro-Assad forces forces in the countryside of Deir ez-Zor, eastern Syria, causing injuries and material damage
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In new al-Naba, Islamic State claims to have shot down a helicopter with a South African pilot on board in Macomia region of Cabo Delgado. Also informs on various operations in northern Nampula and other places, with villages abandoned by security forces for days
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غارات جوية للطيران الحربي السوري الروسي تستهدف تحركات وأوكار لمجموعات تنظيم "د.ا.عش" الإرهابي في البادية السورية
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Two Kyrgyzstanis accused of creating terrorist association in GermanyAccording to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Germany, the accused were in contact with the terrorist group Wilayat Khorasan
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وقال بوتين إن المتطرفين ليس فقط هم من يقفون وراء الهجمات في بلدان مختلفة، بل أيضا الأجهزة الخاصة.
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Security Media Cell announces the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) killed a number of Daesh members and destroyed their hideout in an airstrike in the Hamrin Mountains, Diyala Governorate
Islamic State Mozambique attacked the Mozambican army positions in Nampala of Macomia region (Cabo Delgado). A reasumption of campaign a bit slowed down during Ramadan, now clashes are again reported against the army, police and Christian militias Mozambique4 الشهر منذ
Islamic State Mozambique attacked the Mozambican army positions in Nampala of Macomia region (Cabo Delgado). A reasumption of campaign a bit slowed down during Ramadan, now clashes are again reported against the army, police and Christian militias Mozambique
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مقتل شرطيين وإصابة آخر نتيجة هجوم على مركز للشرطة في كاراتشيفسك
Israel security services say they arrested an ISIS operative in Ramallah area tonight who was planning to carry out an immediate terror attack
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Hasake: A new batch of 250 Iraqi ISIS families is preparing to be deported from Al-Hawl camp towards Mosul in Iraq in coordination with AANES and Iraqi government
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رئيس وزراء العراق: داعش لا يمثل اليوم تهديدا لأمننا ومن الطبيعي أن نبادر لتنظيم موضوع التحالف الدولي
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Daesh (ISIS) seizes 9M113 Konkurs missiles from one of Assad government's military bases in eastern Syria
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رئيس الوزراء العراقي لوزير الدفاع الأميركي: ملتزمون بجدول زمني لإنهاء مهمة التحالف
بايدن لرئيس الوزراء العراقي: العراق وأميركا يعملان معا لهزيمة تنظيم داعش
The death toll from the Sydney stabbings has risen to seven, including the lone knife attacker, New South Wales Police said
مجهولون يستهدفون بالأسلحة الرشاشة نقطة عسكرية لقسد في بلدة الشحيل شرق دير الزور فجر اليوم السبت
SYDNEY MALL STABBING ATTACK -Man went on stabbing spree at Westfield Bondi Junction in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. 5 people were killed, 8 others were hospitalized/ 9 month old baby among the injured. Suspect shot and killed by police. Motive unknown; terrorism not ruled out
A major incident has been declared following reports of multiple people killed at Westfield Bondi Junction Shopping Centre this afternoon. Dozens of emergency service crews are currently on the scene
Niger (Sahel): ISIS carried out an attack on trucks carrying vehicles belonging to UN Peacekeeping Forces in Téra, Tillabéri Region.  As a result seemingly at least two SouthAfrica-made flag-zaflag-za BAE Systems RG-33L 6x6 armored vehicles (MMPVs) were set on fire by IS militants5 الشهر منذ
Niger (Sahel): ISIS carried out an attack on trucks carrying vehicles belonging to UN Peacekeeping Forces in Téra, Tillabéri Region. As a result seemingly at least two SouthAfrica-made flag-zaflag-za BAE Systems RG-33L 6x6 armored vehicles (MMPVs) were set on fire by IS militants
مراسلة العربية: الأمن في دوسلدورف قبض على مراهقين خططوا لأعمال إرهابية باسم داعش خراسان
Germany arrests 3 teenagers who are suspected with planning an islamist attack
تم إعلان نظام عمليات مكافحة الإرهاب في جزء من أراضي نالتشيك ومنطقة تشيركسكي في قباردينو-بلقاريا، حسبما أفاد مقر العمليات في قباردينو-بلقاريا.
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German police arrested two suspected ISIS members) on Wednesday for allegedly enslaving and abusing two young Yazidi girls in Iraq and Syria between 2015 and 2017
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تبحث الشرطة عن مشتبه به على صلة بقضية كروكوس في مدينة تشيخوف بمنطقة موسكو
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Taliban's Al-Mersaad Media releases interviews of two Tajik nationals who are apparently detained in a Taliban prison. They claim they were recruited by ISKP while they were residing in Russia and planned to go to Pakistan for training but were apprehended by Taliban before that
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ISIS calls for terror attacks at Champions League matches in Europe
Islamic State claims a grenade attack against the Syrian Democratic Forces in Qamishli city. Fourth Islamic State attack claimed this year in Qamishli city, which has long been relatively safe and secure in the Hasakah region5 الشهر منذ
Islamic State claims a grenade attack against the Syrian Democratic Forces in Qamishli city. Fourth Islamic State attack claimed this year in Qamishli city, which has long been relatively safe and secure in the Hasakah region
Islamic State West Africa (ISWA/Wilayat Gharb Afriqiyah) Claims Responsibility for an Armed Assault on a Red Cross Vehicle in Chetimari, Diffa Region, Niger5 الشهر منذ
Islamic State West Africa (ISWA/Wilayat Gharb Afriqiyah) Claims Responsibility for an Armed Assault on a Red Cross Vehicle in Chetimari, Diffa Region, Niger
East Syria: ISIS launched last night an attack near Maadan Atiq (SE. Raqqa desert), reaching the N4 Highway. At least 2 pro-Assad fighters were killed. Pace of IS attacks increased, despite regular RuAF & SyAF airstrikes5 الشهر منذ
East Syria: ISIS launched last night an attack near Maadan Atiq (SE. Raqqa desert), reaching the N4 Highway. At least 2 pro-Assad fighters were killed. Pace of IS attacks increased, despite regular RuAF & SyAF airstrikes