19 سبتمبر 2024
A helicopter accident in northeastern Syria over the weekend injured 22 American service members, according to the US military
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UK police say man arrested after 3 people found dead in Nottingham, 3 others injured when hit by van
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Five local militants of IRGC and an officer of government forces were killed, most likely by ISIS militants and landmines in Deir_ez_Zor Governorate, eastern Syria
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Mozambique: Insurgents have been spotted moving freely in the vicinity of Quiterajo, Mucojo, and Chai in Cabo Delgado's Macomia district. Reports indicate their persistent presence in these areas
وزير الخارجية السعودي: تهديد تنظيم داعش يشمل العالم كله
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ISIS claims responsibility over targeting a military vehicle of the SDF in a town south of Hasakah, northeast Syria, injuring four SDF fighters
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VOA confirms the US learned weeks ago that the ISIS leader responsible for the planning of the 2021 attack at the Kabul airport that took the lives of 13 American service members was killed by the Taliban
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The Joint operations: 4 terrorists were killed in a strike by Iraqi F-16 warplanes in the Kirkuk operations sector
US Central Command forces killed Abd-al-Hadi Mahmud al-Haji Ali, a senior ISIS Syria leader and operational planner responsible for planning terror attacks in the Middle East and Europe
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The Asayish found the body of a young man shot dead in western Deir_ez_Zor, eastern Syria, amid an increase in killing cases in ambiguous circumstances
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Reports of a rocket attack on the US base in the Conico gas field in eastern Syria, as well as retaliatory airstrikes by US jets on Iranian-linked militia positions
Here is a CENTCOM statement on this week's repatriation of residents from the al-Hol and al Roj camps for internally displaced persons in Northeast Syria1 سنة منذ
Here is a CENTCOM statement on this week's repatriation of residents from the al-Hol and al Roj camps for internally displaced persons in Northeast Syria
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IED most likely belongs to ISIS explodes in a car carrying Iranian-backed militiamen in the eastern countryside of Homs, central Syria, killing five and injuring three
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ISIS Senior leader killed by US forces in Syria
US Treasury Dept. OFAC and the UK are taking coordinated action to sanction key individuals supporting the Syria government and the production or export of Captagon, a dangerous amphetamine
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The Canadian government is trying to dismiss a high-profile ruling, ordering Canada to bring home four ISIS-linked men detained in prisons in NE_Syria
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The attack against the US base took place at 1:38pm local time Thursday, per @DeptofDefense 2 of the wounded US troops were treated at the base. 3 other & the injured contractors were evacuated to medical facilities in #Iraq
IS-Sahel claims that JNIM (AQIM) used three SVBIEDs against it during battles near Menaka, E. Mali. Yet another sign of intensifying battles between al-Qaeda and IS in the Sahel, with the latter reaping far more successes1 سنة منذ
IS-Sahel claims that JNIM (AQIM) used three SVBIEDs against it during battles near Menaka, E. Mali. Yet another sign of intensifying battles between al-Qaeda and IS in the Sahel, with the latter reaping far more successes
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ISIS takes credit for bloody week of attacks targeting "Christian" civilians in DRC, with 3 claims for significant strikes on villages in North Kivu from March 8-12. ISIS reported more than 85 killed. Local authorities confirmed uptick+heavy casualties
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D24: Five fighters of Asud Sharqiya militia were killed in circumstances in the Masrab desert in the western Deir ez-Zur countryside
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Young man killed in circumstances by unidentified gunmen in Qamishli city, northeast Syria
التحالف الدولي يعلن تعرض إحدى قواعده لقصف صاروخي شرقي دير الزور سوريا
العراق :  مخبأة في صناديق تفاح ،،، كشفت السـ.ـلطات العراقية عن ضبط أكثر من 3 ملايين حبة كبتاغـ.ـون دخلت من معبر القائم الحدودي مع سوريا، من جانب آخر لايزال معبر البوكمال _ القائم الحدودي يعمل بصورة إعتيادية1 سنة منذ
العراق : مخبأة في صناديق تفاح ،،، كشفت السـ.ـلطات العراقية عن ضبط أكثر من 3 ملايين حبة كبتاغـ.ـون دخلت من معبر القائم الحدودي مع سوريا، من جانب آخر لايزال معبر البوكمال _ القائم الحدودي يعمل بصورة إعتيادية
Wilayah Sahel: Islamic State claimed killing 30 al-Qaeda fighters and wounding several others in clashes in Menaka, northeastern Mali1 سنة منذ
Wilayah Sahel: Islamic State claimed killing 30 al-Qaeda fighters and wounding several others in clashes in Menaka, northeastern Mali
U.S. Central Command:General Kurilla traveled to northeast Syria where he visited sites critical to the ongoing effort to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS
مراسل حلب اليوم: مقتل المدعو "فايز الراضي" متزعم أحدى المجموعات المسلحة التي تعرف بتعاونها مع عناصر "تنظيم الدولة" برصاص مجهولين في بلدة "الطيبة" بريف درعا الشمالي
An explosion of unknown origin took place in an IRGC safe house in al-Hamidiyah neighborhood, Deir Ezzor city - according to reports of  local activists and field sources1 سنة منذ
An explosion of unknown origin took place in an IRGC safe house in al-Hamidiyah neighborhood, Deir Ezzor city - according to reports of local activists and field sources
Seven ISIS members were arrested in separate operations in Iraq
Islamic State Wilayah Pakistan claimed responsibility for carrying out a suicide attack targeting a vehicle of the BC in Bolan, Bal. The suicide bomber (carrying the same name who carried out SA last year in March in the same district)  has been identified as Abdu Rehman1 سنة منذ
Islamic State Wilayah Pakistan claimed responsibility for carrying out a suicide attack targeting a vehicle of the BC in Bolan, Bal. The suicide bomber (carrying the same name who carried out SA last year in March in the same district) has been identified as Abdu Rehman
The head of the Joint Chief of Staff General Mark Milley has arrived into the areas under the control of Syrian Democratic Forces in Syria, and is conducting meetings there