19 سبتمبر 2024
New U.S. Sanctions Target ISIS Facilitation Network in Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa
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Iraq wants troops from a U.S.-led military coalition to begin withdrawing in September and to formally end the coalition's work by September 2025, four Iraqi sources told Reuters
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Iraq hangs 10 men convicted of terrorism, security sources say
ISIS (low-level) prisoners are being released from Alaya prison in Qamishli, north of Hasakah. 111 prisoners will be released today1 الشهر منذ
ISIS (low-level) prisoners are being released from Alaya prison in Qamishli, north of Hasakah. 111 prisoners will be released today
An Iraqi air strike destroys ISIS hideouts & kills a number of them in the Hamrin Mountains2 الشهر منذ
An Iraqi air strike destroys ISIS hideouts & kills a number of them in the Hamrin Mountains
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The FSB prevented a terrorist attack at the bus station in Essentuki, a native of Central Asia was detained. This was reported to the Central Operations Center of the FSB of Russia.
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Knife attack this evening near the Champs-Élysées in Paris - A police officer was injured during this attack - The police opened fire on the attacker who was seriously injured
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الشرطة العمانية: الجناةُ الثلاثةُ المتورّطون في حادث إطلاق النار عُمانيون
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ISIS claims Oman mosque attack, its first ever in the sultanate
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Soldier injured with a knife in Paris: "His vital prognosis is not in jeopardy", assures Gérald Darmanin. The perpetrator was arrested
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وزير الداخلية الفرنسي: طعن جندي بسكين في محطة قطارت في باريس
Today, IS Greater Sahara released a photoset of the attack in Takanamat (with four bodies visible)2 الشهر منذ
Today, IS Greater Sahara released a photoset of the attack in Takanamat (with four bodies visible)
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.@CENTCOM says Commander, Michael Erik Kurilla, met leaders and American troops in Syria and Jordan to discuss regional security concerns
مقتل سائقين وإصابة آخر بجروح في هجوم لتنظيم داعش الإرهابي على ناقلات نفط تابعة لميليشيات القاطرجي، إحدى ميليشيات نظام الدكتاتور بشار الأسد، وذلك على طريق الرصافة - أثريا.الرقة_تذبح_بصمت2 الشهر منذ
مقتل سائقين وإصابة آخر بجروح في هجوم لتنظيم داعش الإرهابي على ناقلات نفط تابعة لميليشيات القاطرجي، إحدى ميليشيات نظام الدكتاتور بشار الأسد، وذلك على طريق الرصافة - أثريا.الرقة_تذبح_بصمت
ISIS have attacked Kurdish security forces near QaraHanjir, northeastern Kirkuk. One security personnel lost his live2 الشهر منذ
ISIS have attacked Kurdish security forces near QaraHanjir, northeastern Kirkuk. One security personnel lost his live
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East Syria: a government soldier from E. Ghouta was killed yesterday in an ISIS attack in Deir ez-Zur desert
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Reuters writes on the jihadi jailbreak in Niger saying there were inmates belonging to JNIM and Islamic State from both ISGS and ISWAP. Overnight reports said over 200 jihadists might have fled with weapons and vehicles taken from prison guards
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مقـ ـتل عنصرين من قوات الأسد جراء إنفـ ـجار لـ ـغم أرضي على أطراف مدينة القورية بريف ديرالزور الشرقي
Islamic State (IS) Armed Assault Targets a Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF/PKK) Oil Tank in al-Ja'ar Village, as-Suwar, Deir ez-Zur Governorate, Syria
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Iraq to repatriate 150 ISIS-linked families (~650 individuals) from al-Hol
The Netherlands will initiate establishment of international tribunal to try crimes committed by IS (Da’esh)2 الشهر منذ
The Netherlands will initiate establishment of international tribunal to try crimes committed by IS (Da’esh)
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On Thursday, Sudan's army chief Burhan said the RSF had targeted internment camps for Islamic State (IS) elements, thereby enabling the liberation of some of them. Sudanese authorities monitor IS cells and have recently detained IS members upon entry
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South Syria. An IED was detonated in the South Quneitra province (few km from the Golan) targeting a joint convoy with Assad's & Russian forces. One vehicle struck
Three militants, including an ISIS leader, were killed in an Iraqi air strike north of Diyala2 الشهر منذ
Three militants, including an ISIS leader, were killed in an Iraqi air strike north of Diyala
Unidentified gunmen kill two soldiers of the Pro-Assad forces forces in Deir_ez_Zor Governorate, eastern Syria
حادث أمني آخر في محشكالا، داغستان. تم إطلاق النار على الشرطة وانتشرت في الجزء الأوسط من المدينة
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مقتل اثنين من المسلحين المشتبه بهم في ديربنت وأربعة في محشكالا. أصيب 16 شخصا ومقتل 8 من رجال الشرطة ومدنيين آخرين
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وذكرت وزارة الداخلية في داغستان أن جميع مخارج محج قلعة مغلقة
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مقتل 4 مسلحين نتيجة اشتباكات في محشكالا
أنباء عن اشتباكات في منطقة سيرغوكالا في داغستان2 الشهر منذ
أنباء عن اشتباكات في منطقة سيرغوكالا في داغستان