19 سبتمبر 2024
Deir ez-Zur: An ISIS commander was killed as result of an airdrop operation by SDF forces in eastern countryside of Deir ez-zor
8 الشهر منذ
East Syria: ISIS launched this morning/night coordinated attacks in area of Palmyra. Looks like serious as Russia & SyAF are currently carrying out airstrikes to repel the attack. government reinforcements also on their way
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شبكة الخابور: مقتل عنصر من قوات الأسد وإصابة آخر بهجوم استهدف سيارة عسكرية في بادية إثريا غرب الرقة
8 الشهر منذ
وزير الخارجية العراقي لـ "الشرق": الحكومة أرسلت وفدا إلى واشنطن مؤخرا بشأن تواجد التحالف الدولي في العراق
8 الشهر منذ
مجلس الأمن الدولي: ندين بأشد العبارات الهجوم الإرهابي الجبان الذي وقع في مدينة كرمان في إيران
8 الشهر منذ
رويترز: تنظيم "داعش" يتبنى المسؤولية عن تفجيري "كرمان" في إيران
ISIS claims responsibility for double attack in Kerman, Iran, killing at least 103 people and injuring 140 during commemorations of Qassem Soleimani's death8 الشهر منذ
ISIS claims responsibility for double attack in Kerman, Iran, killing at least 103 people and injuring 140 during commemorations of Qassem Soleimani's death
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القوات المسلحة العراقية: اعتداء اليوم في بغداد لا ينسجم مع روح ونص التفويض والعمل الذي وجد من أجله التحالف
At least 50 people were killed after two blasts hit near Qassem Soleimani's grave in Kerman city8 الشهر منذ
At least 50 people were killed after two blasts hit near Qassem Soleimani's grave in Kerman city
Iranian official says blasts in Kerman city were 'terrorist attacks' - state media8 الشهر منذ
Iranian official says blasts in Kerman city were 'terrorist attacks' - state media
8 الشهر منذ
Iran state TV says second blast heard near grave of slain general
مجهولون يستهدفون بالأسلحة الرشاشة نقطة عسكرية لميليشيا قسد في منطقة الشحيل شرقي ديرالزور شمال شرق سوريا
Rocket attack on coalition's Al Shadadi base
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تسجيل متداول يظهر احتراق باص مبيت لقوات الأسد بعد تعرضه لانفجار لغم أرضي على طريق المحطة الثالثة في بادية تدمر شرق حمص ما أدى لمقتل 7 من عناصر قوات الأسد وإصابة 10 آخرين
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East Syria: a First Lieutenant from Latakia province was killed yesterday by an ISIS mine/IED in Deir ez-Zur province
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سلاح الجو يجدد غاراته على أوكار وتحركات لمجموعات تنظيم "د.ا.عش" الإرهابي في البادية السورية شرقي حمص
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Iraqi forces arrest 12 individuals belong to ISIS in Nineveh and Sulaymaniyah provinces. The detainees confessed the affiliation with ISIS and were referred to the judiciary. Iraq
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شبكة الخابور: مقتل عنصرين من قوات الأسد بانفجار عبوة ناسفة بسيارة عسكرية في بادية الرصافة جنوب الرقة
Philippines: ISIS claims Marawi attack on Christian community
9 الشهر منذ
Islamic State seems to have stormed Menaka today, while FAMA sent airforce to support forces on the ground. A major battle occured, for now assessments are being made.ISGS might not publish anything for a long time, judging from recent Niger rampage and 2-months long silence
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A man has died and another two people have been injured after being attacked in Paris on Saturday eveningnn
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المقاومة الإسلامية في العراق: استهدفنا القاعدة الأمريكية في حقل العمر النفطي بسوريا ردا على جرائم العدو في غزة
Islamic State (IS) Militants Ambushed an Iraqi Army Patrol, in Masad Area, ar-Rutba, Anbar Province, Iraq – 16 November 202310 الشهر منذ
Islamic State (IS) Militants Ambushed an Iraqi Army Patrol, in Masad Area, ar-Rutba, Anbar Province, Iraq – 16 November 2023
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Unknown blast took place in the city of Manbij, northern Syria, casualties reported
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Jharkhand ATS has arrested two ISIS operatives from Godda and Hazaribagh
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Big ISIS attack at dawn today in area of Resafa (S. Raqqa desert). At least 30 pro-Assad fighters dead
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داعش يعلن مسؤوليته عن قتل 7 أشخاص في تفجير حافلة في العاصمة الأفغانية
At least 7 killed and over 30 wounded in an explosion in a civilian minibus in Dasht-e-Barchi area of Kabul. It is a predominantly Hazara area. No claim of responsibility yet but ISKP is the likely suspect10 الشهر منذ
At least 7 killed and over 30 wounded in an explosion in a civilian minibus in Dasht-e-Barchi area of Kabul. It is a predominantly Hazara area. No claim of responsibility yet but ISKP is the likely suspect
10 الشهر منذ
IDF says troops detained 36 wanted Palestinians, including 18 Hamas members, during overnight raids across the West Bank. In Abu Dis, troops killed Nabil Halabia, an Islamic State operative who had been released from Israeli jail a few months ago. IDF also signs demolish order for home of Kamel Abu Bakr, the terrorist behind the deadly Tel Aviv shooting in August. Since Oct. 7, IDF says troops have arrested 1,350 wanted Palestinians across the West Bank, including more than 850 affiliated with Hamas
Islamic State claims it attacked Iraqi Army positions killing 12 soldiers and destroying 17 vehicles10 الشهر منذ
Islamic State claims it attacked Iraqi Army positions killing 12 soldiers and destroying 17 vehicles