هجوم مسلح على القيادة الأمن العام في البصيرة التابعة لـ قسد ،أثر إعتقال 9 أشخاص من عائلة الجميل. أبناء الجميل استهدفوا القيادة بقذائف"اربجي" تلاها اشتباكات بين الطرفين،ثم هدأت الاشتباكات،بعد ورود انباء عن قدوم تعزيزات لقسد والتحالف الدولي بإتجاه البصيرة.
Iraq arrested eight ISIS members in four governorates one of them was arrested in Sulaymaniyah in KGR
ديرالزور: إصابة طفل جراء انفجار لغم أرضي من مخلفات الحرب في بلدة السوسة بالريف الشرقي
A tribal Sheikh was wounded by unknown attackers in the city of Syria's Tabqa
In the new edition of al-Naba, ISIS claimed 42 ops in Hasakah, Deir ez-Zur & Raqqa, saying its fighters killed or wounded 115 enemies, per @siteintelgroup
3 سنة منذحريق صباح اليوم الجمعة في الفيز الخامس داخل مخيم الهول بريف الحسكة . حسب أقتصرت الأضرار على الماديات ولم يتضرر أحد.
3 سنة منذتحليق للطيران المروحي التابع للتحالف الدولي على ارتفاع منخفض في بلدة غرانيج شرقي ديرالزور .
Explosion at the Grand Mosque in Qala-e-Naw, the capital of Badghis province, during Friday prayers some minutes ago. Initial reports of several casualties
NorthIraq: A group of PKK militants and at least 8 Syrian tunnel workers were killed in the air operation carried out by TAF warplanes in the Sinjar region as part of Operation Winter Eagle. -Iraq Resources
Iraqi National Security: Having large numbers of militants in SDF prisons in NE_Syria is a continuing and permanent threat in light of the poor capabilities
مستشار الأمن القومي العراقي لسفير الاتحاد الأوروبي: يجب سحب رعاياكم من مخيم الهول
A roadside bomb explosion in Iraq's western province of Anbar killed three Iraqi soldiers and a civilian on Wednesday. A roadside device detonated near a vehicle transporting soldiers on a highway near the town of Rutba
ISIS has claimed responsibility for an attack on an SDF post in the town of Diban in Syria's eastern Deir al-Zour Province, allegedly wounding 2
Russian aircraft targeted an ISIS member in the town of Dhablan, east of Deir_ez_Zor, eastern Syria
3 سنة منذألقت قوات سوريا الديمقراطية وقوى مكافحة الإرهاب "HAT" القبض على عدد ممن اسمتهم "مقاتلي تنظيم داعش الذين تربطهم صلات معروفة بشبكات تهريب الأسلحة الإيرانية" في مدينة البصيرة بريف دير الزور، وفق ما نشر مجلس دير الزور العسكري
Explosion in Karta-e-Parwan Square. Reports of an explosion in Karta-e-Parwan square, PD4
SDF arrested ten ISIS members during a security operation in Syria's Deir_ez_Zor
3 سنة منذPeople of Hasakah countryside, NE_Syria, mourn SDF dead of ISIS attack on al-Sina'a prison
Mozambique: At least 2,800 homes are damaged and around 14,000 people displaced following insurgent attacks on villages in Meluco and southern Macomia districts (Cabo Delgado province) since mid-January
Feb 8th: Explosion via MIED against Taliban vehicle in Khair Khana, PD-17, Kabul
الحسكة: قوات سوريا الديمقراطية تشن حملة مداهمات في قرى عجاجة وتل أحمر بالريف الجنوبي
Per @DoD_IG, @DeptofDefense has about 2,500 troops in #Iraq, about 900 in #Syria Another 5,802 DoD contractors are also in the 2 countries
ISIS is "reconstituting" but does not yet have the "capability" to attack the US, Lt Gen. Michael Kurilla told Sen. Shaheen during his nom hearing in SASC this am
3 سنة منذMozambique Incident on 07 Feb: Insurgents killed four fishermen at Nagulue beach (Mucojo - Macomia district). Six incidents were reported in Macomia, from 04 to 08 Feb
مقتل طفلين وثلاث نساء برصاص قسد في مخيم الهول بريف الحسكة
إعلام عراقي: مقتل اثنين من الجنود العراقيين في انفجار عبوة ناسفة بمحافظة الأنبار
3 سنة منذTaliban's Kunar governor's office claimed surrender of 28 alleged ISKP operatives
A magistrate court in Ilorin, the Kwara State capital, has ordered the remand of seven suspects over the alleged killing of a student, Ridwan Ajibiye, during a cultists' clash in Malete
Citizens gathered in front of government headquarters in Deir_ez_Zor, east Syria, in response to the killing of a woman and the wounding of others by stray bullets by government forces
3 سنة منذUSG offers $10M reward for tips leading to leader of ISIS' Afghanistan branch or those responsible for Aug. 26 bombing at Kabul airport