22 فبراير 2025
2 سنة منذ
الطيران الحربي الروسي يشن غارات جوية على مواقع تنظيم الدولة بادية الرصافة جنوب غربي الرقة
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ISIS has claimed responsibility for a multi-IED attack targeting a Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) patrol on the road to the town of Arege in Nigeria's Borno State
مقتل 3 مدنيين وإصابة أكثر من 15 آخرين جراء انفجار قنبلة في سوق شعبية بـ عدن
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تقارير تؤكد اعتقال أبو حسن الهاشمي زعيم داعش الجديد
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رويترز: تنظيم الدولة يعلن مسؤوليته عن هجوم في مدينة مزار شريف بأفغانستان
Three blasts targeting Shia Hazara passengers on minibuses in Mazar e Sharif, northern Afghanistan today Likely ISIS-K again2 سنة منذ
Three blasts targeting Shia Hazara passengers on minibuses in Mazar e Sharif, northern Afghanistan today Likely ISIS-K again
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Reuters: "Former Brooklyn resident convicted in U.S. of aiding Islamic State"
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The number of those killed has yet to be ascertained and the Taliban security officials in Kabul have yet to respond to the explosion. The explosion happens as at least three more explosions occurred in Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh province's capital, this evening
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In the Haji Zakaria Mosque, at a crossroads in the 4th district of Kabul, a material that was embedded in the pulpit exploded, and the initial figures reported 6 dead and 15 injured.
Inherent Resolve:The safety & security of Iraqis remain our ISF partners' top priority. Recently, ISF located & destroyed a Daesh ammunition cache in Tuz Khurmatu, said @SecMedCell
ISKP claimed Sunday's Kabul attack targeting Taliban including TB leaders, confirming that it was a suicide bombing carried out by ISKP member Shahram Mohid. IS communique claims multiple Taliban casualties. As per Taliban sources, it was a motorcycle SVBIED attack2 سنة منذ
ISKP claimed Sunday's Kabul attack targeting Taliban including TB leaders, confirming that it was a suicide bombing carried out by ISKP member Shahram Mohid. IS communique claims multiple Taliban casualties. As per Taliban sources, it was a motorcycle SVBIED attack
Police say five Jerusalem men have been arrested over alleged Islamic State ties. The suspects, all in their 30s, were detained over the weekend, police say. Their remand has been extended until tomorrow
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Explosion in Kabul The blast took place on Kabul Airport Road near Esteghlal Hotel. A memorial service is being held at hotel today to mark the anniversary of the assassination of former Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour. three bodies had been removed from the area by Taliban
There has been an explosion targeting the convoy of vehicles including ambulances carrying the coffins of three Shi'ite/Hazara Muslims who were assassinated yesterday by ISKP in Kunduz. Casualties reported2 سنة منذ
There has been an explosion targeting the convoy of vehicles including ambulances carrying the coffins of three Shi'ite/Hazara Muslims who were assassinated yesterday by ISKP in Kunduz. Casualties reported
Islamic State Khorasan (ISKP) claims assassination of a Taliban fighter in gun attack & seizing his weapon in PD-04, Taloqan city, Takhar province2 سنة منذ
Islamic State Khorasan (ISKP) claims assassination of a Taliban fighter in gun attack & seizing his weapon in PD-04, Taloqan city, Takhar province
ISKP claimed targeted gun attack against Taliban members in Jalalabad, Nangarhar2 سنة منذ
ISKP claimed targeted gun attack against Taliban members in Jalalabad, Nangarhar
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مصادر الجسر: استنفار وانتشار كبير لعناصر الأمن والشرطة العسكرية في معظم أحياء مدينة دير الزور الخاضعة لسيطرة النظام، ومنع مرور السيارات والدراجات النارية في بعض الشوارع دون معرفة الأسباب
Islamic State geography: IS-KP claims sectarian attack in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa targeting Pakistani Sikhs, not IS-Pakistan:
Islamic State-Sinai rhetorically links Sinai tribal militias aligned with the Egyptian government with Israel's Mossad2 سنة منذ
Islamic State-Sinai rhetorically links Sinai tribal militias aligned with the Egyptian government with Israel's Mossad
كما قام أبناء عشيرة الكبيصة بالسيطرة على أحد نقاط مجلس ديرالزور العسكري التابع لقوات قسد بالقرب من جسر الري في بلدة الصبحة شرقي ديرالزور، ويغتنمون عربة عسكرية بيك آب دفع رباعي إضافة لعدة أسلحة متوسطة من عناصر الحاجز.
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مقتل عنصر من قوات قسد وإصابة آخرين خلال حملة أمنية تقوم بيها قسد في قرية برشم شمالي ديرالزور. واستقدمت قسد تعزيزات عسكرية إلى القرية بعد حدوت المواجهات بين أبناء القرية الرافضين لحملة التفتيش وعناصر قسد.
Iraqi security forces have killed a senior Islamic State (IS) leader and captured nine other members of the militant group in Baghdad and Kirkuk provinces, an official statement said on Thursday
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ISIS has claimed responsibility for an attack on a Mozambican army post in the village of Quiterajo in Mozambique's Macomia District, allegedly killing 3
Iraqi security forces on Sunday killed three members of the Islamic State (IS) ambushed inside a cave in North of Kirkuk, Defense Ministry said
أخلت ميليشيات IRGC الحرس الثوري جميع مقراتها في دير الزور، الميادين، البوكمال، لسبب غير معروف، غالباً بسبب الخوف من أستهداف طيران التحالف @coalition
14/51 ambushed and killed 3 ISIS on Karaw Mountain, within the Makhmour operations sector. Photo to confirm the kills
Egypt's President al-Sisi chairs a meeting of Armed Forces Supreme Council, following a terrorist attack in Sinai yesterday2 سنة منذ
Egypt's President al-Sisi chairs a meeting of Armed Forces Supreme Council, following a terrorist attack in Sinai yesterday
غارات جوية للتحالف الدولي على حويجة صكر في مدينة ديرالزور. الغارتين جاءت بالقرب من الجسر الترابي الروسي الذي يربط ديرالزور ببلدة حطلة
داعش يستهدف القوات الأمنية العراقية في خانقين
2 سنة منذ
Peshmerga foils ISIS attack northern Kirkuk. No casualties reported