5 أكتوبر 2024
In Isma'iliyya, IS-Sinai claims 2 insurgents stormed an Egyptian police position in the city of Qantra Sharq; 1 set off an explosives-laden vest and killed or wounded 6 police:1 سنة منذ
In Isma'iliyya, IS-Sinai claims 2 insurgents stormed an Egyptian police position in the city of Qantra Sharq; 1 set off an explosives-laden vest and killed or wounded 6 police:
US confirms death of ISIS leader Abu al-Hassan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi during SDF operation in Dar'a province in Syria this past October
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داعش يعلن مقتل زعيمه أبو الحسن القرشي
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According to ISIS, the late leader Abu Al-Hasan died while in the "battlefield" and killed some "enemies" before getting killed. He died without releasing audio or video recordings. The new leader might follow suit and stay behind the scenes to preserve his safety
ISIS announces its leader Abu al-Hassan Al-Qurashi has been killed in action, and declares Abu al-Hussain al-Hussaini al-Qurashi as its new leader.1 سنة منذ
ISIS announces its leader Abu al-Hassan Al-Qurashi has been killed in action, and declares Abu al-Hussain al-Hussaini al-Qurashi as its new leader.
Explosion at Samangan's madrasa leaves 15 dead     Blast hits religious seminary in Samangan capital Aybak, killing 10 students and wounding several others, Interior Ministry's spokesman Abdul Nafi Takor said1 سنة منذ
Explosion at Samangan's madrasa leaves 15 dead "Blast hits religious seminary in Samangan capital Aybak, killing 10 students and wounding several others," Interior Ministry's spokesman Abdul Nafi Takor said
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الحسكة أحدث الأخبار الواردة من مخيم الهول بريف الحسكة إطلاق نار كثيف في الفيز الثامن للمهاجرات بعد كشف عملية تهريب لسيدات من داعش مساء اليوم الجمعة. كما أفاد بـتحليق لطيران حربي مجهول الهوية فوق مخيم الهول.
وزارة الدفاع الأميركية: الأحداث التي يشهدها العراق وشمال سوريا وتركيا تهدد مهمة التصدي لتنظيم داعش
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مواقع مقربة من قسد تتحدث عن ثلاث غارات جوية من قبل الطيران الحربي التركي على مداخل مخيم الهول شرقي الحسكة مع فوضى كبيرة وفرار البعض من المخيم الذي يضم عائلات لعناصر داعش
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"Over the weekend, we saw a wave of Turkish airstrikes in northern #Syria & #Iraq, & new reports of attacks by Syrian Kurdish forces into southern #Turkey" per @DeptofDefense spox
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@DeptofDefense "continues to oppose any military action that destabilizes the situation in #Syria or violates #Iraq's sovereignty through military actions uncoordinated with the Iraqi government" per Pentagon spokesperson re #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Kurds
On the road between Azare & Damboa, Borno state, IS-West Africa claims it used an IED to destroy a Nigerian army vehicle the day before yesterday:1 سنة منذ
On the road between Azare & Damboa, Borno state, IS-West Africa claims it used an IED to destroy a Nigerian army vehicle the day before yesterday:
IS insurgents in Azim, Diyala governorate claim to have killed 2 Hashd al-Sha'bi commanders and 5 other militiamen with 3 IEDs targeting Hashd patrols, damaging 2 vehicles:1 سنة منذ
IS insurgents in Azim, Diyala governorate claim to have killed 2 Hashd al-Sha'bi commanders and 5 other militiamen with 3 IEDs targeting Hashd patrols, damaging 2 vehicles:
U.S. Central Command:CENTCOM commander statement following recent Al Hol visit1 سنة منذ
U.S. Central Command:CENTCOM commander statement following recent Al Hol visit
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ISIS claims responsibility for targeting a military vehicle of SDF north of Syria's Raqqa, killing a leader and his companion
مراسل حلب اليوم: مقتل شخصين بينهم طفل بإطلاق نار من قبل مجهولين في بلدة المليحة الشرقية بريف درعا الشرقي1 سنة منذ
مراسل حلب اليوم: مقتل شخصين بينهم طفل بإطلاق نار من قبل مجهولين في بلدة المليحة الشرقية بريف درعا الشرقي
Mozambique Nabaa published a 3-page report on Cabo Delgado, referring to 09 attacks in Muidumbe, Macomia, Namuno, and Balama. According to the report, 16 people (including soldiers) were killed.   (One page not shared  - graphic photos)1 سنة منذ
Mozambique Nabaa published a 3-page report on Cabo Delgado, referring to 09 attacks in Muidumbe, Macomia, Namuno, and Balama. According to the report, 16 people (including soldiers) were killed. (One page not shared - graphic photos)
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مقتل وإصابة عدد من عناصر قوات النظام بهجوم لخلايا تنظيم الدولة استهدف نقطة عسكرية في محيط منطقة "عنز البوكردي" بريف الرقة الغربي
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الحسكة: قوات سوريا الديمقراطية تشن حملة دهم واعتقالات في مخيم الهول
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مصدر حكومي أفغاني للجزيرة: مقتل 5 عناصر من تنظيم الدولة في اشتباكات مع القوات الأفغانية بولاية هرات
Local gunmen, supported by the Pro-Assad forces and Russia, take full control of a neighborhood in Syria's Daraa after fierce clashes against ISIS operatives
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مسؤول تركي يؤكد وجود صلات لمنفذة تفجير إسطنبول بالأكراد لكنه لا يستبعد أن تكون لها علاقة بتنظيم داعش
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هيئة الرقابة الإعلامية في تركيا تفرض حظرا إعلاميا مؤقتا على التغطية الإعلامية لانفجار إسطنبول
Video shows the moment of the explosion in Istanbul, Turkey's, iconic Istiklal street marketplace1 سنة منذ
Video shows the moment of the explosion in Istanbul, Turkey's, iconic Istiklal street marketplace
Explosion at Istanbul's iconic Istiklal Street reported.  Police and medical teams are at the scene. Initial reports say at least 10 are wounded1 سنة منذ
Explosion at Istanbul's iconic Istiklal Street reported. Police and medical teams are at the scene. Initial reports say at least 10 are wounded
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ISIS has claimed responsibility for a Nov. 4 ambush targeting "Christian vehicles" traveling on the road linking the towns of Ocua and Namuno in Mozambique's Cabo Delgado Province
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Confirmed info Tonight's airstrikes on Al Bukamal, Iraqi-Syria border was NOT a US strike, a senior US official confirms. Centcom is investigating the attack at the moment. There are reports of civilian casualties
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SDF's Mazloum Abdi meets with a US delegation to discuss means of ensuring stability in NE_Syria and the issue of Hawl Camp, which houses thousands of ISIS families
Last Monday, IS-Sahel claims it clashed with a local apostate militia patrol in the Gao region of Mali, killing 14 & seizing 7 motorcycles and rifles1 سنة منذ
Last Monday, IS-Sahel claims it clashed with a "local apostate militia patrol" in the Gao region of Mali, killing 14 & seizing 7 motorcycles and rifles
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Seven people were injured by a blast that struck a bus carrying Taliban administration personnel in Kabul, the Afghan capital, on Wednesday morning, according to Taliban security officials